We are a community of faith focused on projecting Jesus to all generations.
We strive to share the Christian faith with all generations through weekly worship and communion. Our children's Sunday School, VBS and Adult Bible study groups provide opportunities for all ages to learn about the life of Jesus and how to follow in his path of generosity and witness.
We project Jesus to the larger community and the world by caring for others through various local, national and global mission projects.
We strive to share the Christian faith with all generations through weekly worship and communion. Our children's Sunday School, VBS and Adult Bible study groups provide opportunities for all ages to learn about the life of Jesus and how to follow in his path of generosity and witness.
We project Jesus to the larger community and the world by caring for others through various local, national and global mission projects.
Join Us for WorshipWorship: Sundays at 9:00 am
Sunday School: Sundays at 10:15 am (September - May) Confirmation: Sundays at 7:00 pm I'm New HereWe welcome everyone to come join us at St. Peter. Please visit our Guest page for more information.
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