Women of the ELCA is the women's organization of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This network of nearly 500,000 women exists for mutual support and bold action on participants' faith in Jesus Christ.
Our mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
You are invited to attend any of the Gather Bible studies, circle meetings and others events sponsored by WELCA. Events are listed in the weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, and found on this page.
St. Peter Women of the ELCA carries out its purpose through three mission areas:
Mission Community......is first and foremost concerned with relationships - relationships that include self, God, family, other persons of faith, the global community, Women of the ELCA units and potential participants.
Mission Growth.............nurtures spiritual growth through enabling and encouraging women to share the good news as disciples of Jesus Christ in their daily lives. It also provides opportunities for each woman to identify her own gifts and leadership skills.
Mission Action...............is about being in direct servant roles. We act to ensure that all people have access to human needs, equality, justice and safety.
Our mission is to mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.
You are invited to attend any of the Gather Bible studies, circle meetings and others events sponsored by WELCA. Events are listed in the weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, and found on this page.
St. Peter Women of the ELCA carries out its purpose through three mission areas:
Mission Community......is first and foremost concerned with relationships - relationships that include self, God, family, other persons of faith, the global community, Women of the ELCA units and potential participants.
Mission Growth.............nurtures spiritual growth through enabling and encouraging women to share the good news as disciples of Jesus Christ in their daily lives. It also provides opportunities for each woman to identify her own gifts and leadership skills.
Mission Action...............is about being in direct servant roles. We act to ensure that all people have access to human needs, equality, justice and safety.
INTERNET RESOURCESChurchwide Women of the ELCA This website is the national source of news, information and resources for women of the ELCA. Northeastern Iowa WELCA Synod This website is specific to our Northeastern Iowa Synod. It has our local event calendar, link to Newsletters, list of Board members and other useful resources. The Northeastern Synodical Women's Gathering is June 22, 2019 at Wartburg College. Check back for more information. Gather Magazine Gather, the magazine of the women of the ELCA, offers a mix of articles, theological reflections, devotions, stories of comfort and challenge that help readers grow in faith and engage in ministry and action. It is published 10 times a year. Subscribe online or call 1-800-328-4648. Cafe Cafe is an online magazine for young adult women. It incorporates a Lutheran perspective for women of Christian faith or simply for any woman who is interested in how faith relates to the issues that women face today. Bold Connections Bold Connections is a free monthly e-newsletter of Women of the ELCA that features the latest news and information about our programs and activities. Interchange Interchange is our leadership newsletter sent by regular mail to Women of the ELCA leaders in congregational units, synodical organizations, and clusters and conferences. It can also be downloaded in PDF format. Women of the ELCA on Facebook Women of the ELCA on Twitter Women of the ELCA on Pinterest - 10 Second Sermons Board - a new post each Sunday of the church year - Prayer Shawls - Throwback Thursdays any many other boards of interest... Meeting minutes and reportsClick the above title to go a page to view/download selected documents.
Quilting for Lutheran World Relief
Regular quilting schedule is the months of January through early April and the months of September and October. Monday: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Tuesday: 9:00 am - noon Quilts are shipped twice a year at joint cluster meetings, called an Ingathering. The ingathering for Clusters C, E (our Cluster) and H is at St Peter Lutheran Church, Denver. Dates in 2019 are:
LWR Quilters on Facebook LWR Blog - Quilts sent to Nepal |
news & EventsUpcoming Concise Event List (scroll below for more details) June Lunch/Gather Bible Study 12:00-1:30 p.m. - 506 Café Waverly 20 June NE IA WELCA Gathering Wartburg College Waverly July Lunch/Gather Bible Study 12:00-1:30 p.m. - 506 Café Waverly 27 July Bingo at Sunset Home Aug Lunch/Gather Bible Study 12:00-1:30 p.m. - 506 Café Waverly 13 Sept WELCA Board Meeting 10:15 a.m. Sept LWR Quilting (Fall) Mondays 9:00-3:00, and Tuesdays 9:00-12:00 8 Sept Gather Bible Study 1 p.m. 12 Sept Pie/Bake Sale - Denver Garage Sales, Dean/Judy Gleason home 18 Sept Bremwood Auxiliary Luncheon Bremwood Waverly 28 Sept Bingo at Sunset Home Oct Quilting continues on Mondays and Tuesdays 13 Oct Gather Bible Study 1 p.m. 11 Oct WELCA Board Meeting 10:15 a.m. 16 Oct Bremwood Auxiliary Luncheon – Hostess: St. Peter, Denver Bremwood Waverly Nov WELCA Thankoffering 3 Nov Quilt Concludes 9:00-12:00 7 Nov LWR Ingathering – 10 Nov Gather Bible Study 1 p.m. 8 Nov WELCA Board Meeting/General Meeting 10:15 a.m. 23 Nov Bingo at Sunset Home Womenfest meets every Tuesday at 7:30 am at Willow Winds Wellness Screening 2020 - CANCELED April 14th, from 6:30 - 8:00 am in the lower level of the church. The screening is hosted by St. Peter Church with Allen Hospital. Participants can drink water or take medications prior to the testing. Coffee, juice and donuts are available after screening. The Wellness Screening includes:
Upcoming WELCA Board Meetings 2020 -currently postponed Sunday, January 12 @ 10:15 am Sunday, March 8 @ 10:15 am Sunday, April 5 @ 10:15 am Sunday, May 3 @ 10:15 am Sunday, September 13 @ 10:15 am Sunday, October 11 @ 10:15 am Sunday, November 8 @ 10:15 am WELCA 2020 Annual Meeting Sunday, November 8, 2020 @ 10:15 am Agenda will include: -Annual Business meeting -Approval of Christmas Gift List -Election of Board 2021 Gather Bible Study - Monthly Meets second Tuesday at 1:00 pm: Jan-June and Sept-Nov in Church Basement Womenfest Bible Study Womenfest is a community ecumenical Bible Study held Tuesday mornings at 7:30 am at Willow Winds. Bold Women's Day - February 23, 2020 We honor and celebrate the bold women in our congregation and community. More information on womenoftheelca.org Bingo at Sunset Home 2020 January 27 March 23 May -No Bingo due to Memorial Day Holiday July 27 September 28 November 23 Bremwood Auxiliary Salad Luncheon Bremwood Auxiliary meets 4 times a year, April, May, September and October on the 3rd Friday of the month with a salad luncheon at 1:00 pm in the chapel at the Bremwood Campus in Waverly. The membership is made up area Lutheran congregations, and other denominations are welcome. Churches serve as hostess for the meeting. A business meeting is held with a devotion given by the serving church pastor. Residents of Bremwood give a short talk on some part of their program. An offering is taken and the monies are used for the Auxiliary project of the year. The current project is Family Weekends in which family members meet with their child and learn helpful ways to deal with difficult situations. Any and all are welcome to support this ministry. 2020 dates are: April 17, May 15, September 18, October 16 Card Ministry Please contact Pat Bietz with news of congratulations or thinking of you. Funeral Serving Ministry This ministry is managed by LaVonne Westendorf, Connie Lobeck and Caryl Tjaden with the assistance of many congregational members who help provide food, prepare and serve funeral luncheons. Serving Committee for October Julie Sawyer Sarah Beckel Vera Collins Elaine Dove Sue Flory Marcia Joerger Linda Krueger Jaime Leonhart Roberta Merrill Angie Sadler Mary Thurm Kim Austin Lindsey Corell WELCA Officers President - Sheryl Moeller Vice President - Dori Jurgenson Treasurer - Brenda Wolter Secretary - Rotation of Board Members Circle Representatives Mary - Elaine Dove Ruth - Pat Leonhart, Sheila Mixdorf Secretaries Mission/Growth TBD Secretaries Mission/Action Dorothy Eggena, Elaine Dove, Carol Nystrom Secretary Mission/Community Joyce Miller Special Offerings We sponsor two major offerings each year.