Weekly Worship Services
Here at St. Peter, worship is central to everything we do. We view worship as our response to what God has done in the past, is doing presently, and promises to do in the future.
Sundays 9:00 am Rooted in Lutheran heritage and tradition, we gather on Sunday mornings to hear the living Word proclaimed. Our primary worship service, we utilize a variety of music styles, guest musicians and ensembles, videos, and liturgy as we gather to celebrate all that our Lord has done. You can expect it to last for about an hour and we celebrate Holy Communion every week. A cry room is available for use during the service. Are you interested in helping with Worship Service, please visit our Volunteer page for opportunities.
Noisy OfferingThe third Sunday of each month we have a noisy offering where everyone is welcome to contribute their "spare" change to help various groups. Visit the Noisy Offering page to learn more about the group we are currently collecting for.
Latest SermonsLoading... Inclement Winter Weather
During those stormy winter days, we encourage you to use your best judgment as you decide whether or not it is safe for you to come to worship on Sunday mornings or evening events. We understand that sometimes, because of the weather, not everyone can get out and join us for worship. When it is safest for you to stay home, please do so. If you would like to receive a DVD of the worship service you missed, please call the church office. We really do not ever want to cancel worship. In extreme circumstances, we may have to cancel. Whatever we do, we will post it on this website, facebook, and KWWL. |