Executive Committee
Ryan Pautsch
President Presides at all meetings of the congregation, the congregational council and executive committee. Coordinates the work of the committees (boards). Carries out the will of the congregation as ordered by the church constitution, bylaws, and resolutions of the congregation. Delivers the annual report to the congregation. |
Treasurer Supervises the financial procedures, records, investments, counting committee, financial secretary, and recording secretary of the congregation. Renders a monthly statement of income and expense compared to budget to the congregational council. Delivers an annual financial report to the congregation. Recommends written financial policies and procedures for cash management (e.g., annual budgeting, fund accounting, and annual audit) to the congregational council. |
Congregational Council
Board of Evangelism Manages the resources of the congregation in such a way that the concern and outreach of the Gospel be proclaimed in this community. Develop procedures for identifying new people and assist with follow-up visits for new members. Publishes or provides materials that might be helpful to the outreach ministry of the parish. |
Dori Jurgenson
Board of Stewardship Is responsible for a year-round stewardship emphasis directed to the entire congregation. Seeks ways to broaden the understanding of stewardship including the use of time and ability in relation to the work of the congregation. Develops ways in which the congregation might be educated in giving, inclusive of all age groups. Oversees the planning and implementation of a comprehensive volunteer services program in the congregation. |
Carrie Gleason
Board of Mission Assists the membership of St. Peter to understand the issues which concern the Christian faith in its relationship to human need and social problems within the congregation, in the community and beyond. Through these and other means help to increase congregational sensitivity to those social problems which call for thought and action. Proposes and/or initiates action to meet human needs, working in cooperation with other boards and agencies in the congregation. Stimulates and coordinates volunteer activity in the social services both within the congregation, the community and with other church and civic agencies. Serves as the congregation's liaison to synod and church-wide committees on social service, social research, social action, and special ministries. |
Leah Homeister
Board of Parish Education Assists the Pastor(s) and Christian Education Directors in overseeing and coordinating the various educational programs of the congregation including the Sunday School and Vacation Bible School programs. Supports the Pastor(s) in planning, evaluating and approving their teaching ministry within the congregation. With the pastors, ensures that there are adult educational opportunities available to the congregation. Strives to improve the quality of Christian education programs at all levels of congregational life. |
Ryan Lockhart
Board of Property and Management Is responsible for the care and management of all physical and real properties of the congregation, including such things as maintenance, repair, replacement of furnishings, insurance, and cemetery. Determines policy and fees for use of the church building and other church facilities for weddings, funerals, anniversaries, and other special events. Reviews legal documents of the congregation, such as the Articles of Incorporation, to insure legal compliance and renewal. |
Kerry Thies
Board of Worship and Music Is concerned about the public worship of the congregation, determine policy for worship and music, oversee and coordinate all factors that affect the worship life of the congregation, including worship and music personnel, numbers and times of worship services, types of liturgies, ushers, bulletins, special events, etc. Seeks ways to enhance the effectiveness of worship life of the congregation, and to aid members in establishing a meaningful home and personal worship life. |