Worship Celebrations
We gather together on these days set apart to intentionally give thanks for all that God has done for us,
seek God's grace, and experience the support of this faith community.
seek God's grace, and experience the support of this faith community.
August 30th - Backpack Blessing
September 13th - Rally Day
September 20th - 3-Year-Old Baptismal Blessing
October 4th - Bible Blessing
October 18th - Stewardship Consecration Sunday
October 25th - Affirmation of Baptism Sunday
November 1st - All Saints Sunday
November 8th - WELCA Thankoffering
November 22nd - Thanksgiving Worship
December 2nd - Blessing of the Christmas Tree
December 9th - Blue Christmas Worship
December 13th - Children's Christmas Program
December 24th - Christmas Eve
February 10th - Ash Wednesday
February 21st - Bold Women Sunday
February 17th, 24th - Lenten Service, Supper at 5:30 pm, Holden Evening Worship 6:30 pm.
MARCH 2016
March 2nd, 9th, 16th - Lenten Service, Supper at 5:30 pm, Holden Evening Worship 6:30 pm.
March 24th - Maundy Thursday 6:30 pm.
March 25th - Good Friday Service 6:30 pm.
March 27th - Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am, Easter Worship 9:00 am
APRIL 2016
MAY 2016
May 15 - Last day of Sunday School with Volunteer Teacher appreciation
May 22 - Affirmation of Baptism
May 29 - Baccalaureate for our graduates
August 30th - Backpack Blessing
September 13th - Rally Day
September 20th - 3-Year-Old Baptismal Blessing
October 4th - Bible Blessing
October 18th - Stewardship Consecration Sunday
October 25th - Affirmation of Baptism Sunday
November 1st - All Saints Sunday
November 8th - WELCA Thankoffering
November 22nd - Thanksgiving Worship
December 2nd - Blessing of the Christmas Tree
December 9th - Blue Christmas Worship
December 13th - Children's Christmas Program
December 24th - Christmas Eve
February 10th - Ash Wednesday
February 21st - Bold Women Sunday
February 17th, 24th - Lenten Service, Supper at 5:30 pm, Holden Evening Worship 6:30 pm.
MARCH 2016
March 2nd, 9th, 16th - Lenten Service, Supper at 5:30 pm, Holden Evening Worship 6:30 pm.
March 24th - Maundy Thursday 6:30 pm.
March 25th - Good Friday Service 6:30 pm.
March 27th - Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am, Easter Worship 9:00 am
APRIL 2016
MAY 2016
May 15 - Last day of Sunday School with Volunteer Teacher appreciation
May 22 - Affirmation of Baptism
May 29 - Baccalaureate for our graduates