Today was the first day of actually working in/at Logan. While three of our group did yard work outside, I had the chance to work at Kid's Club. The morning started out with the "Kid's Club" group splitting into three main planning groups. I was in the games and songs group and met some really cool people from Richmond, Virginia. Our job was to plan 3 songs and a game to entertain the kids during "sharing circles." After a long tiring day at our work sites, we got the opportunity to swim at the Chief Logan State Park at their swimming pool. After jumping into the refreshing water after a long, hot, and sweaty day, our church group resided to go down the water slide in trains of 5-7 people. For dinner we had some chicken and cheesy rice thing and some green beans. After dinner we played a little four square and headed down to Wendy's with a couple other church groups for Frostys! Now we are concluding our day with a little church group reflection time, and they are waiting for me to finish this so I better go! Looking forward to a great rest of the week!!! :)