Lenten Services Supper 5:30 pm Worship 6:30 pm
February 10, Ash Wednesday - Living a new life in Christ (no supper)
February 17 - Living in a heart of God
February 24 - Living in forgiveness
March 2 - Living in of love
March 9 – Living in the peace of Christ
March 16 - Living in thankfulness
“‘Bear fruit,’ says the letter to the Colossians, not as a burden but as our great joy. As our roots go deeper into the word and we soak up God’s saving grace, we grow and bear the fruit of living new lives in Christ – faith, forgiveness, healing, hope, joy, and love. This fruit invites others to experience God’s love and sends the peace of Christ into the world.”
7th Grade Confirmation –Not meeting during Lent
8th Grade Confirmation - Meeting after the Wednesday, Lenten Services
February 10, Ash Wednesday - Living a new life in Christ (no supper)
February 17 - Living in a heart of God
February 24 - Living in forgiveness
March 2 - Living in of love
March 9 – Living in the peace of Christ
March 16 - Living in thankfulness
“‘Bear fruit,’ says the letter to the Colossians, not as a burden but as our great joy. As our roots go deeper into the word and we soak up God’s saving grace, we grow and bear the fruit of living new lives in Christ – faith, forgiveness, healing, hope, joy, and love. This fruit invites others to experience God’s love and sends the peace of Christ into the world.”
7th Grade Confirmation –Not meeting during Lent
8th Grade Confirmation - Meeting after the Wednesday, Lenten Services