Thankofferings show gratitude for God’s blessings and give us an important and tangible way to
express that gratitude. It is a tradition grounded in our celebration of community, of meeting
together to joyfully give thanks for what God has give us. Thankofferings have always been, and
still are, our opportunity to say thank you to God in both significant and ordinary moments.
Your thankofferings support the total outreach of our church women to live out our mission—“mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.” Together we can do more than we could ever do apart. Our Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Thankoffering service is held this year on November 8th. A Thankoffering envelope is available in your offering envelope packets or you can use a plain envelope marked for WELCA Thankoffering. We will be collecting donations through the month of November. More information about the Women of the ELCA Thankoffering is available at
express that gratitude. It is a tradition grounded in our celebration of community, of meeting
together to joyfully give thanks for what God has give us. Thankofferings have always been, and
still are, our opportunity to say thank you to God in both significant and ordinary moments.
Your thankofferings support the total outreach of our church women to live out our mission—“mobilizing women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ.” Together we can do more than we could ever do apart. Our Women of the ELCA (WELCA) Thankoffering service is held this year on November 8th. A Thankoffering envelope is available in your offering envelope packets or you can use a plain envelope marked for WELCA Thankoffering. We will be collecting donations through the month of November. More information about the Women of the ELCA Thankoffering is available at